Yoga festival/week at Allahabad and Varanasi are
organized every year to spread awareness about Yoga and meditation.

importance of Yoga is unparalleled in the Indian civilization. This art
of meditation and alternative medication has heavily influenced the
India and world. The path of yoga is considered to be a perfect way to
find peace of mind and solace without corrupting the soul. The movement
got popular in the west as a counter-revolution to the Hippie movement.
It is very interesting to know that both the followers of Hippie
movement and Yogism used to visit south Asia to find their respective
The popularity of Yoga has no parallel amongst westerners till now.
Keeping in view, the Department of Tourism, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh
organizes Yoga week in the holy city of Allahabad and Varanasi every
year. These yoga weeks provide the participants opportunity to learn,
discuss, absorb and practice Yoga amidst cultural and natural heritage
of UP. The festival features discourses on Yoga by numerous past and
present exponents. Tailor-made programs are also available for visitors
willing to pay.