The cool environment of the museum, a result of the scenic background of the Ajneri Hill, acts as a further draw. The main aim behind its establishment was to maintain records on the history of the currencies of India and let the general public have an idea about the Indian coins. The information on the Indian coinage, provided at the Coin Museum of Nasik, dates back from its initial years to the present day world.
The items displayed inside the museum comprise of coins, moulds, dyes, replicas, photographs, and concise write-ups. Here, you can get to see the processes of casting and machine striking, along with those of coin minting and coin manufacturing. The other items put on show inside the Coin Museum include numismatic material, along with bronze, terracotta's, copper-hoard objects, paintings and some historical artifacts.
The rich compilation of the museum is made up of nearly one hundred thousand cardexes, which have been preserved for the reference of researchers and others. Coin Museum also organizes workshops, on a regular basis, with the aim of promoting coin collecting in India. Whenever you are in Nashik, make sure to pay a visit to this museum and know about the various currency systems that has been there in the country since its existence.