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Here is all about Nilgiri weather. We provide you with all info about Nilgiri climate. Read for all you wanted to know about climate & weather of Nilgiri.

Nilgiri Weather

Climate: Temperate and most Equable, Summer: 25°C - 10°C, Winter: 21°C - 2°C
Average Rainfall: 1,960 mm

Nilgiri district is situated at an elevation of 900 to 2636 m about MSL, hence the climate of the region is mostly temperate and most Equable with temperature being mild.

During summer the region sees a maximum of 210C to 250C and the minimum of 100C to 120C. During the winter the temperature hovers between a maximum 160C to 210C and minimum of 20C.

With spell bounding scenic beauty, the region has an average rainfall of 1,960 mm. It is the time when the whole region is spectacularly green and refreshed.