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This page on Chittorgarh weather contains information on weather and climate of Chittorgarh in Rajasthan, India.

Chittorgarh Weather

The climate of Chittorgarh is quite dry and parched. The summer season extends from April to June and is quite hot. The average temperature in summers falls between 43.8°C to 23.8° C. The winter season lasts from October to February. Chittorgarh weather in the winters is pretty cool.

The temperature averages around 28.37° C to 11.6°C. The monsoon season falls during the months of June to August. As far as climatic conditions of Chittorgarh, Rajasthan in monsoon are concerned, there is only slight rainfall that averages around 60 cm to 80 cm. The best time to visit Chittorgarh is between September to March.